Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mommy's Penis

My belly button didn't pop out with Alexandra and I was kinda bummed about it. I thought that it was a routine part of pregnancy, and I certainly wasn't small when fully pregnant with her, but it just stayed fairly tucked in and that was that.

Not this time. The belly button has been acting suspiciously for a couple weeks now (see this post) and I noticed last night (after a day of feeling icky and sore and definitely growing) that it was officially all the way out now.

And it's not as cute as I thought it would be. When wearing a thin shirt, it looks like I have a Bermuda Triangle of nipples (my boobs and my belly button). When my shirt is off, it's curious looking.

So curious that this morning, when changing Alexandra's diaper and getting her dressed, my tank top (which is pretty much a half shirt) was up and my belly hanging out and she pointed to my belly button and said, "Mommy's penis." Yeah, that's how far out it is. It took me a while to figure out what she was saying, but then it was clear as day. My belly button is so far out that to her it looks like a little penis.

I quickly corrected her and said that mommy has a poo-cat like her and that only boys have penises but she pointed at it and plucked it a bit and repeated "Mommy's penis."

Well, chalk that up to another adventure in pregnancy. I now have a minuscule penis.


  1. it's funny -- we've always referred to a penis as a penis. but in our family, a vagina is a "lulu". why do people do that, I wonder? why is penis acceptable, but not vagina? in any case, we ran into a bit of a problem last week when we met a little girl named lulu. my kids were so confused. I refrained from telling her parents why.

  2. that is hilarious! i love the name lulu (for a kid, that is). so funny. we just couldn't find a cutesy name for penis that was equivalent to poocat and gave up.
