Baby girl...her humor kills me.
We installed the tiny AC that we bought for her room yesterday b/c it finally feels like summer here. I usually love the heat of summer and embrace it fully, but yesterday I thought I might spontaneously combust. I called Adam at work to demand that her AC be put in b/c I just imagine that the rest of the world is as hot as I am. And guys, I am melting here--gestating + heat = not a good combo.
But seems like the little AC that could really can. It got freezing in her room, she woke up and cried for us, but our baby monitor volume wasn't up high enough and our AC was on...By the time Adam realized she was crying (I was already asleep), she was pretty hysterical, face all puffy and red, etc. It was so sad. She was scared b/c it had gotten so cold and we didn't come to save her. Broke my heart. She came into bed with me and I rubbed her back and apologized profusely and tried to explain what an AC was...Eventually she calmed down.
But Adam--superdaddy that he is--decided to sleep in her room with her so that she wouldn't be afraid and he could monitor the AC beast. He turned it down and in the middle of the night it got hot, so hot that she woke up, screamed, "HOT! ICE CREAM!" and then went back to sleep. What a riot, that kid.
That's pretty much what I wanted to run through the streets of Bklyn screaming yesterday. This baby girl might not look like me, but she is definitely mine.
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