Wednesday, July 22, 2009


No, this isn't a post about my fave lead-you-on television show.

Somehow, in this move from one brownstone to the brownstone next door, we lost a big box of baby girl's stuff. A big box. A box that included a bin of all her blankets used when she was a baby that she was now using on her baby dolls (including the blanket my favorite Aunt Helen made her, the blanket that our friends Charlie and Laura gave us with our Moses basket, and more blanket-related gifts), a pail of sandtoys from friends Amy and James, a pail of cars bought at a stoop sale last year, and more stuff that I haven't remembered yet but I'm sure I will soon.

We are utterly confounded as to where this box went. I noticed it was missing right away, but Adam believed it to be stacked up with our books. Well, all books got unpacked today and it wasn't there. We looked in the cellar, but we didn't put anything down there that wasn't in a plastic storage bin--hence no cardboard box.

I find myself sitting here thinking that someone literally had to walk into our apartment and steal it, which is creepy and disheartening and weird and just plain wrong, but sadly not unfeasible. We are right next to a community center that houses a Park Slope daycamp site--there's a lot of foot traffic and some sketchy folks who work at the community center. We were shuttling stuff back and forth a lot, leaving doors open...Could that be possible?

But I'm strangely sad about this loss. I'd have been more okay with someone stealing a big box of my academic books which would = a lot more money but little sentimental value. But those were her baby things and toys she loved and now they're just gone.

I'll admit, but I did sit and cry about it tonight.



  1. You're entitled to cry! These were the things she touched with her infant fingers, that reminded you of those sweet first moments of motherhood. I'm sorry!

  2. do you want to update the blogosphere or shall i?

  3. dear all,
    call me placenta brain. after this post and a night of tears, i scavenged my daughter's room to find all her shit from "missing box" shoved into other places and under things...just rearranged. don't remember doing this at all. moving black out? good news = it's all here and no creep was in our apt. bad news = i'm insane. come visit me in the looney bin!
