Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Belly button

More gross adventures in pregnancy!

My belly button is turning inside out. It didn't do this with Alexandra, it merely puckered a bit, but this time it's going whole hog--and it itches! Last night, while scratching it/around it, I tried to look at it. Belly button crud was revealing itself and I began to wonder, "Has this belly button crud been deep inside the well of my belly button for 30-some odd years? Ewwww!" and then I went on a mission to get it out.*

*Those of you who know me well know my deep-seeded affection for squeezing, poking, plucking, and removing puss, hairs, crud, etc. Yes, gross. I know.

During my mission to remove the ancient crud, my belly button literally popped inside out--completely! It was fascinating and gross and allowed me to remove the crud (which of course I smelled and it was quite rancid. Adam asked me if I ate it--I DID NOT, but I swear to you, he would have--that man has some gross qualities that did not manifest themselves until after marriage unfortunately...) and then it popped back into it's 3/4 out shape.

Totally gnarly folks.


  1. actually, i meant 2 posts ago re: testosterone.

  2. last post funny. this post disgusting. really adam?
