Alexandra Osa turned two on June 25th. I can't even begin to explain how quickly this happened and how shocking it is to me to look at photos of her in my arms two summers ago, a little mushy-mush, and now she's a full-blown person, full of opinions, emotions, beauty, and personality.
I am banking on everyone's reassuring words that I will indeed love baby boy as much as this baby girl, because, quite honestly, I don't know how I can love anything as much as I love her.
AOW stats for you:
Weight: 31.5 lbs
Height: 36 inches (online height predictors put her at 5'9" as a grown up...nice!)
Fave food: yogurt with honey
Won't drink: milk
Skills: jumping, running as fast as a jackrabbit, diapering baby dolls' heads
Adorable: Dance parties with daddy to old school hip hop, kissing mommy's belly
Baby Addictions: Pacifiers (only uses when sleeping, but must have five in crib), books (that's my girl!)
Recent accomplishments: petting a goat named Alex, first big boo-boo on knee
Love that baby girl so much it's literally terrifying.
Awww, happy birthday to Alexandra! Time, it flies. I doubt you'll love the second one as much; I mean, obviously MY mother always loved me more as the firstborn. So good luck with that! :)