Friday, October 2, 2009


I heard the word regression about a million times while I was pregnant in reference to my two year old daughter. For example: Don't potty train her pre-baby, b/c she'll surely regress once he comes. Etc, etc.

Well, all the rumors were true.

Alexandra is, as I type, screaming "Mommy!" and sobbing hysterically in her crib. This has been going on for about 1/2 hour now. She has slept through the night about twice since Nico was born. Nico has slept though the night (with nursing in bed) every night since he's been home. Alexandra not only wakes during the night, but she throws full-fledged two-year-old tantrums that include banshee-like wailing that make her sound possessed. It is agony. There is nothing that will make you crazier than listening to your kid scream their bloody head off for hours on end and know that there's nothing you can do to pacify them. A-G-O-N-Y.

She also likes to strap herself into the baby's bouncy seat (see photo), crawl, and cry over who the heck knows what.

Thank god Nico is such a buddha, b/c Alexandra most certainly is not right now. girl...

1 comment:

  1. i feel your pain.
    ignoring the tantrums will make them stop the quickest.
    hang in there - Alexandra will get through this part soon!
