Monday, October 26, 2009

Anatomy Gone Awry

When we were shown the penis at Nico's 12 week ultrasound, we began to explore the wonderful world of anatomy explanation to Alexandra. The pending arrival and welcoming of Nico and his boy parts was simultaneous to Alexandra's potty training beginnings, therefore we have had lots of discussions of boy's having penises and girl's having poo-cats. In the past couple of months, I have said the four P words more times than I wish to admit: pee pee, poo poo, penis, & poo-cat.

But Alexandra has taken this anatomy lesson to whole new levels with her vocabulary that expands by the day. And it's beginning to get uncomfortable. Here's a conversation from yesterday regarding Kevin, the music teacher who comes to her daycare whom she adores (she has a thing for boys who play the acoustic guitar, just like her mama). We were listening to Kevin's CD (which is decent for kid's music), and she announces:

Alexandra: Kevin has a penis.

Mommy: Yes, Kevin has a penis because he's a boy.

Alexandra: Kevin is a big boy.

Mommy: Yes, Kevin is a big boy like Daddy.

(can you see where this is going?)

Alexandra: Kevin has a big penis! (big smile on her face = terrifying)

Mommy: (Looks at husband with a WTH do I say to that? Trying not to laugh...)

Obviously, my silence and stunned face gave the signal to my oh-so-observant 2 year old daughter that she had said something golden, therefore for about 1/2 hour she ran around the house, dancing to Kevin's CD, screaming, "Kevin has a big penis!"

I REALLY hope she doesn't remember this association she made come Wednesday during music class. Can you get kicked out of daycare for that?

1 comment:

  1. Love it! That is too funny and too cute. Lately I've been giggling over my 19 month old saying what sounds like "shit shit shit." I think she's trying to say sit, but it sounds ooooh so much funnier :)
