Tuesday, September 1, 2009

(too) random

I was listening to a NPR show the other day about making your blog into a best-selling book, making your millions, and then living happily ever after. Seems the key is you must have a consistent theme in your blog--one big topic upon which you pontificate regularly (for example, Julie & Julia)--and then, voila! You've got a book deal. You've got a brownstone. You can afford to stay in New York, have babies, and pay off your college debt. Hallelujah!

But I can't do that. I have tried with my anonymous adoption blog that I have shared with some of you, but, as you can see, I just don't update it with the frequency that I do this blog. My life, mind, and existence is just too random. Call it ADD, call it multiple identities, call me a straight-up neurotic lady (all of which are true), but I just can't reduce myself down to one consistent strain of thought.

My many identities are constantly at battle: mama, breeder, teacher, doctoral candidate, activist(ish), wife, friend, adoptee, daughter, sister, New Yorker, etc etc etc, and not in that order....ever. The list just goes on and repeats itself like a spiral staircase. Some days I'm one more than another, and that's usually the topic of my post.

So, eff the book deal. I'm destined to be destitute (and hyperbolic) b/c I'm too random.

(the need to switch up my blog identity, etc, will be discussed in a further post once i can process it all a bit better...mama mia...)

1 comment:

  1. you're far too interesting, complex, and multi-faceted to streamline your blog into one singular topic. that's what i love about reading it -- i never know what to expect, but i always know i'll be entertained!
