I went into work yesterday to check on the status of my classroom. Not too bad. I xeroxed some stuff, covered and bordered my bulletin board, dusted, and organized my cabinet which will remain locked and untouchable until I come back from maternity leave. Sorry to the folks who'll have to use my classroom with no cabinet space. Sucks to be you.
But upon entering the front doors, amid comments on my lumbering belly and my due date, a metal detector was being assembled. I was astonished. Granted, I was not at work last semester (on sabbatical), but I had heard no buzz of us becoming a daily scanning school. I know we have quite a few instances of violent fights in our school, and police incidents, but really? Daily scanning? It just seems to take our school to a whole new level of criminality.
I know it's not 100% for guns and knives. I understand that it's to deter the students from bringing cell phones, Sidekicks, and other electronics to school, but anyone who's everyone knows that's total crap. The students know how to sneak their stuff in. Even my Assistant Principal's sweet 13 year old daughter--who is a good girl!--started detailing step-by-step how to get your cell phone through the metal detector. So, what's the point? Deterrent? Really?
In my academic pursuits, I have heard lots of horror stories via documented ethnographic studies of the criminalization of students by school security guards, school metal detectors, etc. In my own research, it was the school security whom the students reported has lacking respect for the student body--especially the male students--not other students, teachers, or administrators (and we honestly have a pretty stellar school security staff). I am not happy with this new situation.
But the worst part is that the students are no longer allowed to enter through the front door of the school. In order to be scanned, the students now have to enter through the back door. What a symbolic gesture. Why? They don't want to masses of students waiting to be scanned lingering in the front of the building and looking like criminals in our nice, yuppie neighborhood. That gets me, too. What message does that send to the kids? It just rings of Jim Crow...Messed up.
Sigh. Welcome back to the NYC Dept of Education.
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