When I was pregnant with Nico, Alexandra thrilled at pulling me out of bed in the morning. She would approach the side of the bed, inform me that it was time to get up,and I'd moan "Oh, I need help, can you pull me out of bed?" and she'd giggle and grab my hand, helping (?) me hoist my enormousness out of bed. It was supercute.
She still comes in to wake me, and today I asked her to pull me out of bed. I said, "Remember when Nico was in my belly and you would pull me up out of bed?" to which she replied, "Nico was in your belly, but he came out. I was in your belly, too, and I came out. Now EVERYONE (emphasis here) is out of mommy's belly!"
As much as her statement makes my belly sound like a clown car, how true she is. Adam's scheduled for vasectomy on August 31st. Nobody else is exiting this body. Everyone is out of my belly.
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