As i was setting up my classroom this afternoon (which already looks great; i think i should be a professional classroom decorator--no lie.), i came across all these old photos of students and projects of theirs that i keep from year to year. I found a project from an previous student of mine, Kashmil. He created a product and an advertisement for this product. The product was cat shampoo. The advertisement slogan was, "Is your pussy dirty?" Yeah, that's Kashmill.
Kashmill recently friended me on Facebook and I felt honored. While he was by far the most crass young man I have ever encountered, he was also the most talented and crazily self-schooled individual I have ever come across in my teaching career. When I could him to stop referencing that me and my husband had been "knocking some boots" (complete with singing the song--he has a great voice) which had resulted in my pregnancy, Kashmill could school the entire class on the history of Sudan and how that history has led to the current genocide. The boy is wicked smart and sassy.
On his facebook page, he has filled out a VERY long questionnaire on himself and I have to share some of his answers b/c they cracked me up:
Religious Views: jesus is my nigga
Favorite Childhood Memory: the summer of '97 when i got my first super soaker and chased bitches down putnam, them bed-stuy days
Speak Multiple Languages: i speak pimpish and i'm learning hoinese, i gotta to keep up with these hoes
Been Drunk Before Noon: i've been tipsy before noon, but not drunk, that's so unclassy
Describe Yourself In One Word: splendiferous
Biggest Fear: that they'll stop making skittles
Special Talents: well i have quite a few, but i can't describe them, they have to be witnessed
Where Are You Right Now: rolling with the homies
Wished You Were Someone Else: hell no, somebody better get the marcal and wipe me up, because i'm the shit!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Kashmill, you are the shit. Where else do you meet characters like Kashmill except when teaching? You can't make this stuff up friends.
Here's to my 9th year teaching...Bring it!
(PS: Photo is of Remo, another student, not Kashmill. But I thought Kash would appreciate the thong action.)
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