my green-thumbed friend, erin, was featured on this girl's blog (?) for being a superwoman.
the blog's name is skirt. i love that. of all the deragatory names a woman can be called, i think "a skirt" is the best one. maybe b/c i have always liked skirts, or because my legs are my only body part i haven't wanted to subject to unnatural procedures, but i think if someone called me a "skirt" i'd feel kinda sexy.
and i call myself a feminist. sheesh.
like when my friend andrea and i went to see naomi wolf sophomore year in college, and naomi asked the women in the audience to tell everyone what they wanted to be before male white corporate oppression squashed their dreams. andrea begged me to tell the overpacked memorial hall that i had wanted, desperately, to be a maid. i'm not sure if a black and white outfit was part of my child fantasy for my future, but right about now i'm making the connection between my maid aspirations and liking being called a skirt.
but i digress.
check out my dear friend erin's five minutes of internet fame here!
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