this is my last week of "summer." and it's not really a full week, it's only a few days, and all three of those days i have to come home from working on my dissertation, bring my daughter to daycare for her transition days, and then give her back to the nanny.'s not going to be a wildly productive last week.
as the summer closes and i reflect on what i accomplished these 9 weeks, i find myself beating myself up over not having gotten enough done on my research, my book ideas, my baby books, blah blah blah. the list could go on forever.
and then i had to stop myself and reassess. we have had a great summer. it flew by with a speed that is simply mind-blowing, and i swear that is because of the baby time warp we live in since alexandra was born. but here is what i did accomplish:
1. i typed up almost all my observations from my research last semester (almost 40)
2. i read the twilight series of YA books and a couple other memoirs
3. i am caught up on writing in my baby books (just need to add photos)
4. i have routinely posted on my blog (which i have really enjoyed)and found many great blogs to read (i heart blogging!)
5. i have packed up about 1/8 of our apt to move on sept 13th
6. we went on three great mini-vacations to ct, long island, and cape cod
7. alexandra and i have gone to the zoo, aquarium, library, pool, and every playground in the park slope vicinity many times
8. i got alexandra on a solid napping and sleeping schedule
9. i have lost the last of my baby weight through jump-starting my yoga practice(although my body is still oddly shaped!)
10. adam and i have gone on a few dates sans baby and decided we still like each other enough to stay married!
not bad, eh?
(photo from our stroll in prospect park last night. that long end of summer light!)
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