The Winter Olympics have come and gone, and I must say I was not impressed. I was trying to evaluate why I was so uninspired by it all as I ran on the treadmill last weekend and chose to watch "The Matrix" over watching the best athletes in the world compete.
One, is that there are just too many clothes on those folks. I like to see some muscle, some sweat, some gold chains and hairstyles. I like to see the whole person, and the Winter Olympics is just too shrouded in hats, layers, etc. Meh.
But what I really think turned me off was one of the first performances I accidently caught one night: ice dancing. First, I had no idea ice dancing was an Olympic sport. I kept waiting for the couple to do some complicated turns, jumps, something that wasn't so corny and theatrical--something demonstrating strong athleticism--and it just never happened. I turned to Adam and exclaimed, "What the heck was that? They didn't go anything!" And then I was introduced to ice dancing by the announcers. Already not a fan.
But then these whack Russians get out there practically dressed in blackface "dancing" to Australian Aboriginal music, doing things like man pulling the woman's hair, their facial expressions reeking of racist sentiments of Aboriginal peoples being primitive, etc. I felt like it had to be some sort of Saturday Night Live skit: How could this be for real? Oh, but it was. I was appalled that the Olympic committee let this happen. I mean, seriously, would they let someone do a routine in blackface? And the BEST thing about this whole scenario is that they had previously done this routine at the World Championships and offended everyone, so they LIGHTENED the skin tone in their outfits to improve the situation. WTH?!
And after that I was out. I mean, really, Olympics? Really?
Wow! I didn't see any of the winter olympics (8pm is my new bedtime) You're right -how could they let those idiots do that insensitive and racist routine? disgusting.