Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodbye Grandpop

Adam's Grandpop, Howard Jensen, passed away today. He was 89 years old and lived a long and successful life, but the loss of anyone still stings. I have been with Adam for nine years now, so I met Grandpop when he was around 80. He was a dapper old man who cruised the Hartford area in his Cadillac visiting friends and often wearing a classy hat. But the last few years were hard on his health and he gradually started slipping down that slope that many old folks do: broken hip, slight dementia, pneumonia, and so forth. But he is at peace now.

I am not sure what I believe about the afterlife. I REALLY want to believe that there is some place where we can be reunited with all those we lost across our lives. I can't explain how much I'd love to see my dad again, and seeing my friends Heidi and Eric would be just. . .I can't even put words to it. But I am not sure I believe that happens, even as much as I truly hope it is.

But tonight I was thinking about Grandpop's life and the end of it, and I thought that he could be, for the first time in over 30 years, with his wife again. Osa Jensen--from whom Alexandra received her middle name--passed away in her late 50's and Grandpop never remarried. It made me happy to think that perhaps, in some alternate plane of existence, Grandpop and Grandma Osa are happily reunited.

That lessened the sting a bit.

Rest in peace, Grandpop. You leave a legacy of wonderful people behind you.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even if someone has lived a long fulfilling life, it's still a loss and I'm sure he'll be missed by many.

    I believe he is with his wife, friends and family who love him who passed before him. What a joyous reunion they must be having with him now. Take care, and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Actually mom said that his home nurse said he had mentioned seeing grandma when he woke up from a dream as he was close to the end. That tips the scales towards believing a bit for me!

  3. Sorry you and your family are going through such a loss - please give me condolences to Adam on losing his father. Suzane Thomas (Don't know how to do this "profile" thing - sorry)

  4. So sorry for the loss of your grandpop Adam. I remember hearing some really cute stories about him from Lori. Thinking about you guys and praying for your family. xxxxoooo
