In July we went to Black Point, the beach on the Long Island Sound that Adam grew up going to, with Adam's parents. It was a far cry from a vacation.
Alexandra threw about three tantrums a day. The beach was way too hot to go down to during any regular human being hours, there was NO shade, and it was 100 degrees even at the water. The beach house had no AC. Nico would wake at 5am and we couldn't let him cry until 6am b/c it would have woken up the whole house, so we were up at 5am. We had to eat out every night b/c it was too hot to cook, and, for any of you with a tantrum-y toddler and a 10 month old with ninja arms, you know that eating out isn't really much fun. As much as my in-laws were overly gracious, it just was not a good time.
We were thrown. Was THAT a vacation? We called our daycare to see if the kids could come back early, drove home during the night to sleep in our ACed apt, and eagerly tossed them in daycare the next morning. Then we went to brunch, came home and napped, and looked at each other with that, "What the eff have we done to our lives?!" look of parental desperation. Never again, we vowed.
And then our dear friends Brian and Susannah invited us to join them at the Cape this coming week. We honestly thought we'd just say no and staycation: keep the kids in daycare, hit some museums, nap, make out, drink beer with lunch, etc. But then we got sucked back into the idea of leaving town, a geographical shift from the melting city streets, and next thing you know we're going.
Our whirlwind vacation starts in CT, onto Cape Cod, and finishes with a wedding in New Paltz. Wish us luck. I must admit, my expectations aren't too high. If I can have a drink with Susla each night and shoot the sh*t for an hour before we all pass out at 10 (b/c Nico will inevitably wake at 5am, esp w/o his darkening shades) I'm going to call it a good trip.
Back August 15th. I'm sure I'll have much to write about.
(Photo of Alexandra & I at the Cape, 2008)
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