Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Penis Saga Continues

If you read this post, you know that my daughter is going through what her peditrician aptly informed me was Freud's anal fixation. When I asked Dr. Gold, our amazing peditrician whom I want to give me a make-over (but that's the subject of another post) what was up with Alexandra talking about penises ALL. THE. TIME. she laughed and said that it was totally normal, that no, she was not a young pervert, and that it was just a phase.

She also told me about this hilarious little girl who had named her vagina Charmane and her bottom Bruce just out of nowhere to the amazement of her perplexed parents who knew nobody of either name. (!)

Well, this phase has been going on for months now, and it's getting old. Today we were eating dinner, having a grand time with Alexandra telling me all about panthers that live in the rainforest and the monkeys that are scared of them (unit on rainforests this week at daycare), and then she broke into an impromptu song of "The Farmer in the Dell." The following conversation ensued after the first verse of "The farmer takes Alexandra."

Me: And what do you take?
AOW: A penis!
Me: No, silly, what do you take?
AOW: I take a penis!
Me: That's silly. What would you do with it? (Meant to sound like, why would you do that? A cat, a dog, a nurse, the cheese would be so much more useful, but it didn't come off that way...)
AOW: I put it in my mouth!
Me: *Sigh*
AOW: Mommy takes a penis, mommy takes a penis, she puts it in her mouth and mommy takes a penis! (sang to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)

As much as my spouse wishes this were true, I am so afraid that she's going to belt into song at daycare with these illicit lyrics and I'm going to get my kids taken away from me. She already staged a nurse-in at daycare (she had all the kids lined up against the wall breastfeeding the stuffed animals the other day), I can only imagine her conducting a toddler chorus of penis songs.

Help me!


  1. I don't even know what to say. I'm laughing out loud.....just laughing.

  2. hilarious! let me know what happens when you read this post to her when she's an adult!

  3. watch her be a lesbian! that'd be awesome!

  4. awesome in terms of irony, that is. i do heart lesbians, too, but i might love irony even more.
