Alexandra won't stop talking about penises. I thought this was a phase that started after baby brother came home, but this "phase" as been going on now for MONTHS and it's starting to get a little embarrassing. Here are a few soundbites from a past few days:
"The bus has a penis!" (screamed repeatedly as I pushed her home in the stroller)
"Daddy, I can't eat your penis?" (mortifying)
"Boys have penis, girls have poo-cat!!!!" (all the time)
"Nico has a penis; it's small." (keen skills of observation)
"Daddy has a penis; it's big." (oh my...)
"I can touch your penis?" (the answer is always no followed by private part conversation)
"I have a penis?" (no darling, you don't)
"Look, I no have a penis!" (said, on the bus, as she pulled her pants and panties down)
And there are a million more examples that I can't think of at 11pm at night.
PLEASE tell me that others have experienced this and I don't have some pervert for a daughter. We try not to react to her statements, but I swear, if some people hear this they will call the Department of Child Services on us for sure. Especially when she yells, as Adam's putting her in time out or trying to get her dressed amid a tantrum,
"Daddy, your penis is hurting me!"
Oy vey.
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41 minutes ago
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