Let me put it out there that I'm a brand name girl. I must have watched too much TV in my developmental years and now I am warped for life. My mom tells me how she used to refill the Heinz ketchup bottle with generic and the Aunt Jemima syrup with generic for all of my childhood just to shut me up.
So, a couple weeks back when I had strange symptoms that mimicked last January's pregnancy symptoms, I freaked out. My gums were bleeding, my boobs had popped up in size again, and I was feeling bloated. Granted, our intimate life has been practically non-existent, but we all know it only takes one time to get yourself knocked up, and after getting pregnant twice on accident let's just say I'm a little gun shy.
Although I am a brand name freak, finances are tough. So I bought some CVS pregnancy tests b/c hey, they were $5 cheaper and at this point in my life $5 is actually a fun amount of extra cash to have. Coffee? Cookie? Pizza? Yeah, you can't buy much for $5 but it's something. That's what life of paying double daycare has done for me--I appreciate $5 again.
So I peed on the stick. No extra line, not pregnant. Whew. Got Alexandra from daycare, made dinner, and while giving her a bath decided to look at the pregnancy test again and BAM! there were definitely two lines. Let's just say that freaking out was an understatement for what happened next. I could barely breathe. I felt like my life was going to be a tragic Irish movie of me looking haggard with crying children all around me...
I took the other CVS test. Again, no double line then 2 hours later two lines. Freak out #2 commences. Adam goes to buy a brand name test. I waited until the fresh morning pee to take it (after not sleeping all night), and it was definitely negative.
The morale of the story is--DON'T use generic pregnancy tests. No. Nope. No way, Jose.
Second morale of the story: We DON'T want three kids.
the only way i found out i was pregnant with #2 was because i happened to see a target brand pregnancy test on clearance. i bought it and promptly forgot about it. it wasn't until 3 days later when i was getting my gym bag out of the back of my car that i remembered it. did it in the locker room, didn't believe the second line because it was GENERIC, and bought another one. so i'm with ya. name-brand only!