When I picked Alexandra up from daycare yesterday, she proudly ran to me and told me that she had taken a nap without her beloved "pass" (pacifier) and that she was a big girl. She went on to list who else no longer used a pass (Luca, Daniel) and other reasons why she was a big girl (she pooped in the potty Sunday night and peed in the potty all day Monday). Adam jumped on this initiative as reason to evict the pass from our house for good, starting with last night. I told her that if she made it through the night sans pass we'd go to the store today to get her a special candy. It was all set up and seemed foolproof.
Then the 45 minute tantrum ensued.
Let me just say that Adam is a god when Alexandra loses her sh*t. I cave immediately. I wanted to give the pass, could NOT deal with her screaming fit, and was about to have one myself and Adam just negotiated with her as if she was some sort of terrorist and this was a hostage situation. Here's how it went:
Adam: Get in your bed, Alexandra.
Alex: Pass.
Adam: Do you want your lovey?
Alex: Pass!!!
Adam: Do you want the light on?
Alex: Pass!!!!!!!!!
Adam: Goodnight Alexandra. I love you.
Alex: Pass! Pass! Pass!
Adam: Go back in your room, Alexandra.
Alex: Pass!
And so forth for 45 minutes. In between the repetitive demands for Pass!!! Alexandra also used the pee pee, poo poo, water, and blankie cards but she always returned to the demand for the pass!!!!!!
In the end, we made it through night #1 with no pacifier. Our doctor said it would take three nights. I'm mentally preparing for night #2. If you hear the screaming insistent pleas for "Passss!" throughout the neighborhood of Park Slope tonight, you know whose house it's coming from.
(Photo is evidence of her pass addiction. She'll see a pass anywhere--on a stroller, the ergo--and grab it for a quick suck-y fix. It has gotten out of control. And, since she's the size of a 4 yo, I'm tired of the dirty looks from other parents, too....)
okay -- i've never had a kid with a pacifier addiction (susanna's a thumb sucker which i swear is worse -- if you figure out a way to take away a thumb, please let me know). anyway, because i'm not well-versed in nicknames for the pacifier, i kept thinking how grown-up alexandra was to reply with, "pass!" as in, "a lovey? no, thanks, i'll pass." "no, i appreciate the offer of keeping the light on, but i'll pass."
ReplyDeletecrossing my fingers things go better tonight ... as they say, "all things shall pass". :)
update. night #2 and she's sleeping soundly. lucky thing since lori coaxed her into tossing all of her passes into the trash this afternoon! love that baby girl.
ReplyDelete-adam. dad. terrorist negotiator.
By night #3 you guys will be good to go. Good job terrorist negotiatior. The roles were reversed in my house. Dan wanted to give in and I was the beast who wouldn't back down. Ah, the good ol days of pacifiers and potty training.
ReplyDeletegreat job guys!