Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Goodbye Pregnancy Hair & Skin

The time has come...

...Nico is 10 weeks old and my hair is falling out by the handfull. I am constantly being tickled by random pieces of hair that linger in my clothes. Nico looks like a baby tumbleweed covered with my hair. I sweep the floor and the broom is matted with hair. My brush needs a daily cleaning, and the drain will certainly soon be clogged.

But, not only my hair falls out--my eyelashes fall out, too. I noticed this on Thanksgiving when I went to put on mascara and I had huge clumps of eyelashes missing. I went and bought volumizing mascara on Friday, but you can't volumize what's not there.

And finally, my skin is so dry I feel like a prune. Besides the lack of pregnancy hormones coursing through my veins, the radiators have come on making everything resemble a tiny Sahara Desert in our apartment. Between nursing, losing the pregnancy skin, and the radiators I feel like I have the skin of a 100 year old woman. I moisturize like it's going out of style, but to no avail. Oh--and I have a few pimples thrown in for good measure. Hawt.

I remember this all happening around the beginning of September after Alexandra's birth, and my hair came back in as did my eyelashes, I just had to endure the shedding for a few weeks. I will certainly miss my pregnacy hair and skin. It makes me kinda sad that I won't experience them again. Boo.

1 comment:

  1. Someone recently told me to check out your blog, and that you were a very good writer. I had no problem believing this since you've always had such a great, unique sense of humor--this would definitely make for a great writer! Anyways, wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this posting, and that you are quite the writer--wow! And what's this about being done with pregnancy hair and skin for good?! Never say never : )
