adam pointed this out to me the other day.
it seems baby girl already has a potty mouth.
for those of you who know me, this might not come as much of a surprise.
but for her first bday, i told myself i'd stop swearing as much and clean up my mouth. i have done an okay job, but it is going to have to happen, now that a lot of my friends' babes are really beginning to talk. it's good for me to practice not cussing in the summer, when i'm not at work and hearing the kids drop the f-bomb all over the place. i swear, working working in an urban school makes cussing an occupational hazard. it's hard not to start saying, "fuckity fuck fuck fuck" all the time. no lie. it's inevitable that you'll assimilate to your environment, right? when you spend 40+ hours a week with kids who talk like that, you'll talk like that, too. when i get some of my classroom observations typed up, i'll sample some for you so that you'll know what i mean. i am not exaggerating!
regardless, if alexandra was sending me a message to clean up my mouth with these magnetic letters, i have received it loud and clear!
(if you still don't see it, written upside down and backwards from the right to left is fuck u!)
OMG, she is really starting early! I know what you mean, as our little miss is beginning to repeat everything we say. Todd and I both need to check our military potty-mouths at the door. I guess I could get away with spelling it out for a while longer.....