Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Hour of Bliss

This summer has been both lovely and hell. I am so excited to return to work to simply get away from this freakin' computer that I have been glued to all day, every day. I am tired of sitting in a chair all day and look forward to running around rabid at school. This is why teachers need summers, folks.

Of course, not going to work is wonderful in so many ways. I can work out in the morning instead of at night, I can poop in my own bathroom, I can grab small amounts of groceries easily, I can fold laundry without Alexandra around to destroy my piles...They are small things, but they really do improve my quality of life.

But my favorite part of the whole summer has been this routine Adam and I have going. The kids have been waking at 5:50/6am, so I'll get up, get Nico's bottle, chat with Alexandra and then, when Adam gets up at 6:15 I hand the kids over, go back into our air conditioned room, turn on the white noise machine, and sleep for one hour.

I don't know why, but that one hour is sleep is pure bliss. It's deep, I dream crazy dreams, and often I have a hard time waking from it. I have been wondering why I sleep so soundly for that hour when I sleep lightly and fitfully most of the night. Is it because I know the kids are up with Adam? Is it pure exhaustion that knocks me out? Who knows....but it's heavenly.

I'll miss that hour when I go back to work next Tuesday. In fact, tomorrow will be my last hour of bliss of the summer b/c our weekends have a different schedule to them. Next week, when I wake at 6am with the kids I'll hop in the shower, have a new aura of stress around me, and will have teaching on my mind.

Goodbye summer and your tiny, beautiful surprises.

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