Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why I Teach, #3

After posting yesterday about the nose-breaking bloody fight my second year teaching, I was on Facebook last night and this handsome young man came up on the right-hand side under "Suggestions."

I squinted at the black and white photo of this now adult and was like, "Is that the kid I blogged about yesterday?" That fight was in the Spring of 2002 and my memory has been compromised by pregnancies, nursing, lots more school, age...but I thought it was him. I was able to snoop on his page and saw that he graduated in 2003 (right date) and some of his other photos looked like the student I once knew. I sent him a message, saying, "I know I know you from Cobble, were you the kid that got in the big fight with Dennis on the first day of the semester?" And this is the response I got:

Ms. Ungemah!, Wooooow!! facebook is the best!!! Don't blame motherhood for that,they say it makes the memory sharper. And yes that was me i that big pointless fight. Never got the chance to Sorry i really wanted to be in your class.... Sorry :-). And Your baby girl is so cute! Im so happy for you.
I'm doing great, by the way im a photographer these days. Glad to see there are still GREAT teacher's around!!! And congrats for getting your doctorate(I Know you got to write so I'm saying it early) pls. keep in touch

Best wishes

Sometimes the universe sends these old students back into my life to remind me of what is good in my career. In how many other professions do you get an apology from an unruly client seven years after the fact with the satisfaction that that client has grown into a better person? I am swelling with happiness for this guy right now. He's done good.

(BTW, his message totally changed the vibe of my morning, which started with intense barfing b/c I didn't eat a snack before going to bed last night--thanks Vincent!)

1 comment:

  1. incredible! affirming! you're on the right path. worthy of a blue sweater story? http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=41692100926&topic=8585
