Friday, April 22, 2011


Anyone out there believe in numerology?

The number 22 has been resonating in my life for years now. It started with my dad's death on May 22--that's when the number 22 entered my life. Since then, it keeps seeming to be days of momentous events. Let me make a list:

May 22, 1996: My dad died.
February 22, 1997: My long-term college boyfriend dumped me out of the blue.
June 22, 1998: My first day of solo travel in West Africa.
June 22, 1999: Moved to NYC--drove up in my Toyota to start a new life.
June 22, 2001: Adam & I had our first date.
November 22, 2006: Our first due date of the pregnancy we lost.
September 22, 2009: Nicholas Acer (Nico) our son was born.
April 22, 2010: My freakin' dissertation is officially finished!

Strange, no?

Hopefully, due to the last bit of news, I'll be back to blogging more regularly. Have missed this creative outlet.


  1. And of course our wedding and even Jen's little sister's wedding in October!

  2. i know, when you first told me your wedding date i was a bit taken aback, but VERY happy to add a joyful event to that date. we can't wait! :)

  3. Not to mention April 22nd is my anniversary!
