Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the rubber room

The rubber room is a mythical place in the New York City Department of Education where teachers are sent when they are "fired" until they await trial. I have heard that folks sit in there and play cards, write novels, sleep all day...a number of things. I envision it as a big, brightly-lit space with white padded walls and rows of cafeteria-like tables endlessly stretching into an oblivion. My vision of it is a combination of torture scenes from the novel 1984, the film "Brazil," and our school cafeteria. Ha!

This weekend on the radio program "This American Life" they did a segment on the NYC DOE's rubber rooms (Yes, there is more than ONE room!). It seems the rumors are quite true.

If you are a NYC teacher, you really should listen to this. God forbid any of us end up in there. Some of these fools' stories definitely warrant them landing in such a place, but others....it's a bit scary.

To listen, click here and sit down!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to say that the rubber room is not a "mythical place" as you mentioned in your blog. In fact, it is very real and very debilitating to those who must go there. Teachers are not "fired" and sent to the rubber room. Some are awaiting outcomes of legal cases having nothing to do with school matters, while others have been sent due to hearsay, angry principals or allegations made against them. Many do not even know why they are there. All are awaiting their due process and should be assumed INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. We do live under the constitution, don't we? Unfortunately the DOE would like for us to think differently. Having the teachers who have been accused or removed under false pretenses show up to a room with no windows & no fresh air is primitive. The DOE is using the rubber rooms to EXPLOIT many innocent teachers because they cannot fire them under the current tenure laws. Would you like to know more? rubberroommovie.com is a good place to begtin. Watch the trailer.
