Took both kids to the doctor today. Here are the stats:
Alexandra Osa: The Amazon
3 years old
40 inches tall (97th percentile)
37.5 lbs (93rd percentile)
Highlight of the visit: Was asked by doctor if Alexandra could draw a circle. Felt like a bad parent, but honestly replied, "Uh, I don't know." Doctor handed her the pen and Alexandra drew one right on the paper of the examination table. She said to me, "I just drew a little one." Awesome.
Nicholas (Nico) Acer: The String Bean
9 months old
30 inches tall (95th percentile)
20 lbs (35th percentile)
Highlight of the visit: Was told that crawling is an "optional milestone" and my anxieties immediately vanished. Was also told to toss food restrictions to the wind--give egg white, peanut butter, etc. and to watch. That it's the parent's responsibility to make food fun and watch for allergies, but to go for it. Nico ate a scrambled egg for dinner and a bit of Alexandra's mac & cheese. He was so happy.
So thankful for our healthy kids.
HOORAY! you're back!!!