Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today Alexandra had her first complete meltdown on the subway. It began at Teachers College, continued through Harlem, and was culminating in a screaming crescendo on the 125th Street platform when we boarded the D train. I had no idea if I could even take the D train home. I just got on before I threw both of us in front of the next train.

The only way to calm her when she goes buck wild is to nurse her. I have made it 10 months without ever nursing on the subway, but with an hour ride ahead of us I had to break down and do it. After I caught a 65-year old dude masturbating to me nursing her in a playground in Park Slope this past summer, I have been very cautious of nursing in public. The subway seemed like an open forum for pervs and such.

But instead of being treated as a piece of live porn, I was thrown by the complete respect I received when I had to nurse her on the subway at early rush hour. Maybe they were all just glad she was shutting-up, but men averted their eyes, women of all ages smiled understandingly at me, and it was a strangely peaceful event.

Sometimes I just love this city. I swear up and down that I live here for the diversity and for the public transportation. Today just bolstered those beliefs of mine.

A bit of Muppet magic giving love to the subway for all of you to enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. omg, you are hilarious. how did i go this long without knowing you had a blog?! i'm loving reading all of your smart, witty snippets and especially the ones pertaining to qt-alex osa. xo, diane
